I'm Vanessa Martínez

I'm an assistant editor on the Data and Graphics team at the Los Angeles Times. In addition to working with code and data, I collaborate with reporters and editors across the newsroom on the digital presentation of stories.

My Work

Reporter / Developer (Svelte, Canvas)
Developer (Svelte, Mapbox, API, Canvas)
Developer - Building off of the previous year's digital altar, I wrote a Python notebook to make the process of uploading and managing submissions easier with a GitHub Action.
Designer / Developer
Awards: Society for News Design: Award of Excellence, Infographics: Features
Reporter / Developer
Awards: Society for News Design: Bronze, Infographics: Health
Designer / Developer
Awards: Society for News Design: Bronze, Story Page Design; Gerald Loeb Award: Explanatory
Designer / Developer / Reporter
Awards: Society for News Design: Award of Excellence; Society for Features Journalism 2021: Features series or project, first place
Designer / Developer
Designer / Developer
Designer / Developer/ Reporter
Designer / Developer / Illustrator

See my older print design work +

About Me


Hi! I'm a journalist at the Los Angeles Times, where I mostly help tell stories visually through the use of code and design.

Before joining The Times in 2017, I was a homepage producer at the Seattle Times, and prior to that, I was a page designer and copy editor at the Southern California News Group.

I served as a board member of the California Chicano News Media Association from 2015 to 2020. I am a graduate of the ASNE Emerging Leaders Institute and the New York Times Student Journalism Institute.

I studied journalism and Spanish at California State University, Fullerton. After graduating, I took web design and computer science courses at my local community colleges.

In my spare time, I like to draw and paint.

Want to see more of my work? Get in touch and view my résumé.